We did it. We held a reunion at El Paso in conjunction with the active duty 1st Squadron,
1st Cavalry and it was a success. Although we all would have liked to see better attendance,
everyone in attendance had a good time.
The Mission tour on Thursday was the best ever, (I’ve been on it twice before) this time we had three tour guides: the regular one, one knowledgeable historian, and one an expert on the Buffalo Soldiers. It was a very informative and interesting tour.
On Friday we visited Fort Bliss. On entry to the base everyone had to pass a Federal background check. Everyone passed and it didn’t take more than an hour. We arrived at the motor pool area for a meet and greet under the desert shade with a vehicle and weapons display which was followed by a visit to their Regimental Room with coffee and donuts. After that we visited the Squadron Headquarters area where the museum artifacts were displayed. After traveling to Freedom Crossing for lunch we visited the static displays in front of the First Armor Division Museum. We couldn’t tour the museum because it was closed due to a structural issue.
Saturday morning we had our business meeting where officers were elected, a committee was formed to address membership recruitment, and another committee to plan the next reunion without deciding a place or date. At the Saturday night banquet after we enjoyed a nice meal we were addressed by three First Squadron First Cavalry Squadron Commanders: Commander in Vietnam, LTG Graves, Ret, current Commander LTC Williams, and former Commander LTC Baker. For the finale John Murphy told the story of how the Association was formed by Terry Babler, which prompted Judy Babler to get up and say a few words. It was amazing. If you weren’t there you should have been.
One theme repeated throughout was that is this association is to survive we need new
members. Most of our members still are Vietnam Veterans and we are all over Seventy years old. We are thankful that Ken Bullock took the wherewithal to contact us and volunteer to publish this newsletter. Ken is a veteran of Desert Shield and Desert Storm is the youngest member of our team and the only one that didn’t serve in Vietnam. We invite you younger readers to get involved with this great group. Call, write , or email. Join us in a Zoom meeting. The more the merrier.
We would all like to thank Bob Brahm, John Murphy, Bill Stucker, LTC Williams, CSM Barthel,
MAJ Klein, Cpt Geddings, and the members of the First Squadron First Cavalry who contributed their time and energy to make the reunion a great experience.